Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The s Guidance Counselor For Counseling - 950 Words

Indentifying Data Eman is an 8 years 6 months old African American adolescent, who was referred by his guidance counselor for counseling. Eman has a long history of poor school performance due to numerous outburst and uncontrolled rages. Despite extensive partial care treatment and accommodations from his school he has failed to succeed academically and behaviorally. His poor school attendance, attention and learning problems, and family dynamics are contributing factors. Sources of Information Background information was obtained from his maternal grandmother, his school social worker, former psychologist, and counselor. This information was obtained from interview, developmental history, and chart records. The status of his†¦show more content†¦It was noted that Eman does not like to see his mother and resents her for not being able to live with them. He often blames his brother for his mom not being around since Grandmother Leslie took them in after his birth. There is no information on Emans biological father. Grandmother Leslie Paige only indicated that he had no learning or attention problems. Eman is reported as being violent with her and on a few occasions with brother Demar. Emans brother Demar was described as being hyperactive. Grandmother Leslie Paige reports a history of depression on both sides of the family. Behavior Observations Emans grandmother indicated that he enjoys music and reading Dr.Seuss while at home. He often has difficulty understanding directions and trouble making friends. He often is fidgeting with his hands, easily distracted, easily frustrated, does not appear to be listening, many temper tantrums and anger. He prefers to be shown how to do something and is very concerned with making mistakes. It is imperative to note that he has been in regular classes with a one on one aide. His teacher indicated that Eman has low motivation for school achievement and struggles with classroom behavior. He appears to focus and achieve somewhat better in a one on one situation or smaller groups. However, he gets frustrated when he realizes he is having a problem with hisShow MoreRelatedWhat You Need To Know About School Counseling. Brett Smith.1707 Words   |  7 Pages What You Need to Know About School Counseling Brett Smith Limestone College Introduction to Counseling Ms. Deal February 19, 2017 Abstract This paper explores the main characteristics of the school counseling career. To understand school counseling its history must be visited when it began in the 1800’s. This paper goes through the steps of licensure, education requirements, and typical therapy techniques adopted by today’s school counselors. 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